news (15)
Multiplier Event on "The Implementation of Game-based Learning in Primary Education"
Written by Super UserA Multiplier Event on "The Implementation of Game-based Learning in Primary Education" was held with great success on Tuesday 27 February 2024, at the Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Trikala, organized by the Primary Education Directorate of Trikala in collaboration with the Thessaly Development Centre, in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme "Playing ang learning from the past" approved by the Greek National Erasmus+ Unit (State Scholarship Foundation - I. K.Y.).
The Director of the Directorate of Primary Education of Trikala Mr. Christos Trikalis in his greeting stressed that through "Playful Learning" not only cognitive functions, such as attention or perception, but also feelings of excitement, surprise, joy, satisfaction are activated. This experience results in the achievement of meaningful learning objectives, such as deepening of the subject matter and development of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, through the use of innovative digital teaching tools.
Also the Deputy Director of Secondary Education Mr. Nikos Papakonstantinou stressed the importance of Game-based Learning and its important role in the educational process.
Presentations were made by:
♦ Anastasia Patera (DDE Trikala).
♦ Evdokia Paphipthymiou (DPE Trikala).
♦ Kyriaki Grigoriou (DPE Trikala).
♦ Mr Achilleas Kostoulas (AKETH): Interactive educational game for primary school students
The event was attended and presented the projects prepared by the Primary Schools during the European Programme: Megalo Kalyvia, Pyli, 5th Kalambaka, 1st Oichalia, 2nd Farkadona, 1st Trikala, 1st Trikala, 30th Trikala and 33rd Trikala.
The conference was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Education and Culture Mr. Michael Lappas, the Education Councillors Mrs. Evanthia Kotrotsiou, Mrs. Demetra Papandreou, Mr. Vasilios Nastos, Mr. Ioannis Zorbas and Mr. Vasilios Kotoulas, Mr. Dimitris Larisis, Head of Educational Issues of IPE Trikala. From AKETH Mr. Dimitrios Magirias, educational directors and parents of students of the School Units of the prefecture of Trikala.
Letters of greetings were sent by the Minister of Development Mr. Konstantinos Skreka and the Members of Parliament Mr. Athanasios Lioutas and Mrs. Marina Kontotoli.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
The Development Center of Thessaly (AKETH) organized the LTTA for the European Project entitled "Playing & Learning From the Past" with project code: 2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-
The final meeting of the Playing And Learning From The Past project was held in Iasi, Romania on 17-18/01/2024.
Addressing Early Childhood Education Disparities: A Call to Action for Quality and Equity
Written by Super UserTech Advancements for Cultural Heritage Preservation and Restoration
Written by Super User
High School Innovators Create Informative City App for Primary Outings
Written by Super UserStudents from the Administrative Economic College from Iasi, Romania have created a tester for an app for their primary school classmates, an orientation video game designed to help children with additional information if they take a walk around Iasi with their class or family. Knowing through a rigorous documentation of the city's history, the high school students focused on two topics of interest to young schoolchildren, such as religious architecture and public buildings, as well as public monuments in Iași. Thus, primary school pupils can use the app when visiting the city and get additional information about the statues that adorn the city.
The information in the app primarily refers to the historical personality that the statue represents. The primary pupils' greatest satisfaction is related to learning how to use the street orientation app, and this gives them autonomy and confidence that they can do it themselves. Learners noted the increased ability of young children to focus on a particular target in the presence of many disturbing factors, as well as distributive attention.
Beyond Textbooks: Harnessing Historical Video Games as Innovative Tools for History Education
Written by Super UserUnleashing the Power of Play: Advantages of Learning Through Gaming
Written by Super UserLeveling Up Education: Enhancing Engagement and Learning through Gamification and Intercultural Exploration
Written by Super User

The Directorate of Primary Education of Trikala participated as a coordinator in the 2nd transnational meeting held within the framework of the ERASMUS+ KA220 Program entitled "Playing and learning from the past" (2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH -000027810) that took place at Crhack Lab in Foligno, Italy from 20 to 21 October 2022. The Italian partners, who were our hospitable hosts, welcomed the participating partners, the Directorate of Primary Education of Trikala, the Developmental Centre of Thessaly (AKETH) Greece, the Governoship of Istanbul (Istanbul-Turkey) and the Inspectoratul Scolar judetean Iasi (Iasi Romania).
On the first day, the partners presented the chapters of the guide and the members of the Pedagogical Team of the Directorate of Primary Education of Trikala made the appropriate interventions and provided guidelines for their design. The partners from Turkey presented the actions of disseminating the results of the program and the partners from Romania presented the way of managing and ensuring the quality of the program. The day ended with a visit to Spello, an ancient town in the province of Perugia.
On the second day, AKETH presented the interactive information and tour map of the main cultural and historical monuments of the city of Trikala. A discussion followed to determine the next steps of the program and then certificates of attendance were awarded to the participants. The meeting closed with Crhack Lab holding a hands-on demo of the mobile app in the historic center of the city of Foligno.
All the participating partners obtained useful information about the methodology for the effective organization and implementation of the project and the next meeting was set to take place in May 2023 in Istanbul.
The Directorate of Primary Education of Trikala, having the role of the coordinator and within the framework of the approved European program ERASMUS+ KA220 "Playing and learning from the past", welcomed on Tuesday July 5 and Wednesday July 6 2022 in Trikala the partners of the program from three European countries (Italy - Folinio, Turkey - Istanbul and Romania - Iasi). The Developmental Centre of Thessaly (AKETH-Trikala) also participates in the specific program as a partner.
During the first day of the 1st transnational meeting, each organization presented their profile and field of action of their organization and discussed the workplan of the project and the responsibilities of each partner. On the second day, the “Guide of integrating Game-based learning” was presented and discussed and the chapters were split among the partners. The partners also visited the offices of the Primary Education of Trikala and were informed about the operation of the Directorate. They also visited the Regional Unit of Trikala where they were welcomed by the Deputy Regional Governor Mr. Christos Michalakis, and the Deputy Regional Governor of the Environment Mr. Konstantinos Mpardas and the Deputy Regional Governor of Culture Tourism and Lifelong learning Mr. John Boutinas.
The meeting ended with a tour of the city centre of Trikala, where the partners found out information about some of the historical monuments through an application created by AKETH. The Meteora complex was the final destination of the day and our last chance to help us not only cultivate bonds of friendship among the participants but also lay the foundations for the second mobility that will take place in Italy in October 2022.
In Trikala, the activities for Erasmus Days 2022 took place at the Tsitsani Museum on Friday, October 14, 2022.
In the presence of the Minister of Education NIKIS KERAMEOS in Trikala, at the Tsitsani Museum, students and teachers of Primary and Secondary Education, of the Regional Directorate of Education of Thessaly, presented hybrid, with a physical presence as well as a video conference, the European Programs of their schools, within the framework of the Pan-European Action ERASMUS DAYS 2022.